Our adult volunteers support our programs and events in a variety of ways.
If you are interested in volunteering at one of our After School Programs, assisting at a fundraising event, or joining a committee, please fill out the adult volunteer application.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor in our Mentoring Program, please fill out the Mentoring application form.

Mentoring Program
Our Mentoring Program is a mutually beneficial experience that pairs youth ages 6-12 years old in need of additional adult presence in their lives with a trusted adult mentor from the local community. Mentor matches are encouraged to spend a minimum of four hours a month together participating in activities that can help expand each person’s worldview including volunteering, trying new foods, making crafts, participating in fun activities, attending local events, and more. Our Mentoring Program also brings all matches and youth on the waitlist together once per month for planned social and creative activities.
After School Program Volunteer
Adults who are interested in providing direct service to youth have the opportunity to volunteer at one of our After School Program locations. Volunteers will assist elementary and middle school aged youth in completing their homework and then have the opportunity to help implement or supervise social emotional learning, team-building, craft, or recreational activities. Each location operates two times a week – Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday.